179D Green Incentive
The 179D Green Incentive, also known as the Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction, is a federal tax incentive in the United States that encourages energy efficiency in commercial buildings.
It allows building owners or designers to claim a tax deduction for energy-efficient improvements made to eligible buildings.
  • The 179D tax deduction was created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and has been extended several times since its introduction.
  • The tax deduction is available to commercial building owners, designers, and builders who meet certain energy efficiency standards.
  • The deduction can be up to $1.80 per square foot for buildings that achieve a 50% reduction in energy costs compared to a reference building, or up to $0.60 per square foot for improvements to building systems.
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Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible to claim the 179D Green Incentive?

The 179D Green Incentive is available to commercial building owners, including private entities and government agencies, as well as architects, engineers, and other designers involved in designing energy-efficient systems for eligible buildings.

What types of buildings qualify for the 179D Green Incentive?

Eligible buildings include commercial buildings that meet specific energy efficiency requirements. This typically includes buildings such as offices, retail stores, warehouses, and multifamily residential buildings of four stories or more.

How much can I potentially save with the 179D Green Incentive?

The potential tax deduction under the 179D Green Incentive can vary based on the level of energy efficiency achieved. The maximum deduction allowed is $1.80 per square foot, but partial deductions of $0.60 per square foot are also possible for specific energy-saving measures.

Is the 179D Green Incentive available for both commercial and residential buildings?

The 179D Green Incentive primarily applies to commercial buildings, including multifamily residential buildings of four stories or more. However, residential properties that are not primarily commercial, such as single-family homes, generally do not qualify.

Are government-owned buildings eligible for the 179D Green Incentive?

Yes, government-owned buildings are eligible for the 179D Green Incentive. However, since government entities do not pay taxes, they can allocate the deduction to the designer or contractor involved in the project.

Can I claim the 179D Green Incentive for renovations or retrofits of existing buildings?

Yes, the 179D Green Incentive can be claimed for both new construction and for renovations or retrofits of existing buildings that meet the energy efficiency requirements.

Is there a specific certification requirement for the 179D Green Incentive?

Yes, to claim the 179D Green Incentive, the building must be certified by a qualified individual or organization, such as an engineer or architect, who can perform the required energy modeling and analysis to verify the building's energy efficiency.

The eligible improvements generally include the building envelope, HVAC systems, and lighting systems. Each component has specific energy efficiency requirements that must be met to qualify for the deduction.

Can I claim the 179D Green Incentive for multiple buildings?

Yes, it's possible to claim the 179D Green Incentive for multiple buildings, as long as each building meets the energy efficiency requirements and is certified individually.

Is the 179D Green Incentive a one-time benefit, or can it be claimed annually?

The 179D Green Incentive can be claimed annually for eligible buildings. Each year in which energy-efficient improvements are made and the building meets the requirements, a claim for the deduction can be made on the corresponding tax return. It is not limited to a one-time benefit but can be claimed on a per-project basis, as long as the building and improvements meet the necessary criteria.

Can tax-exempt entities claim a 179D deduction?

Under the new plan, the allocation option has been broadened to include tribal government and nonprofit projects. This means that tax-exempt entities, like tribal projects and nonprofits, can now allocate deductions to contractors, engineers, and architects who are responsible for the design components.

Who qualifies as the primary designer?

The primary designer is the individual responsible for creating the technical specifications for installing energy-efficient commercial building property. This person could be an architect, engineer, contractor, environmental consultant, or energy services provider.

Are Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) eligible?

Yes, due to new provisions, REITs can now make use of 179D deductions when calculating their earnings and profits.

Can government-owned buildings qualify?

Government-owned buildings at the local, state, and federal levels could be eligible for a Section 179D tax deduction. Such buildings include schools, post offices, state universities, libraries, town halls, institutions, government offices, courthouses, military bases, airports, and transportation facilities.